Monday Morning Offering: 11/21

Good morning, good God!

just a few days away, Lord,

and I want
to be ready on Thursday

to thank you
for all I have,
especially what I have in abundance,

all from your generous hands:

I want to
remember the ways you’ve
helped me

since last Thanksgiving,

just a year ago…

Help me remember,

all the times when your

not my own,

got me
through the really rough patches…

Help me

how, in your faithful

you never
left me alone…

Help me

the gift of
your mercy and forgiveness

each and every time
I strayed from your grace…

Help me

how every time
I prayed

you were there to hear me…

Help me

how you were there to help me

when taking one more step

just seemed impossible… 
Help me

how I’m surviving hurt and pain

I thought I could not bear…


Help me
remember, Lord,

the people
who love and care for me:

family and
colleagues and neighbors 
near and far and right next door…

Help me
remember as gifts
the things I often feel entitled to:

good food and
clean water,
warm clothing, a place to live,

safety, liberty and freedom… 

Help me
remember, Lord,

all who
serve, protect and care for me,
especially those whose names
I do not know…

Help me
remember and be
grateful for

my vision,
my hearing, my sense of touch

and all the
good and beautiful things I experience

through my senses…

Help me
remember what I take
for granted,

and open my
to blessing and gifts 
I haven’t used – or don’t yet know are mine…

Help me

that every
good gift comes from you, my God:

from your hand to mine,

your heart to mine

– and all to be
shared with others…

Help me
remember and never

how many are my reasons for thanking you

and praising you again and again and again…

Come this Thursday, Lord, help me

(between the turkey and the football games)

help me remember to thank you

for all the gifts and blessings 
I’ve been privileged to receive…

This morning, Lord, this Thursday
and every day this week

I offer you my thanks, my God

from whom all blessings flow…
