I see how much we need
your counsel and your Word,
In the face of so much hate, Lord,
we’re left hungering for that love
that gives itself in sacrifice
’til sin shall be defeated
In the midst of all our foolish ways
we thirst for wisdom, deep and clear,
to cleanse us of the prejudice
Our nation is divided, Lord, riven, lost
and so we ask for your help
We pray your intervention, Lord,
and ask you use the likes of us
to speak the truth with power,
to mend with care what’s broken,
to unite what’s torn apart,
to heal the wounds that bleed,
to right what’s gone so wrong,
to strengthen us in faith,
to fuel the fire of hope
to yield a crop of justice
and a harvest of lasting peace…
We cannot do this on our own:
we need your Spirit deep within us
and your grace, our saving strength,
until at last we find anew, Lord,
the peace that you, and only you, can give…