NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 9/21

NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 9/21

I’ve posted this prayer several times, most recently about a year ago.  I know some folks who, these days, might benefit from these words – and I suppose there are times when all of us might find them helpful…
Some days, Lord, I wonder where you are.

Some days I just can’t seem to find you.

Some days I wonder 
    if you’ve forgotten or abandoned me 
– or if, in fact, 
    you were ever there to to begin with…

But you are there, Lord,
even when such thoughts cross my mind
or lodge in my heart,
    – even then, you’re there…

It’s my faith that you’re there
that keeps me seeking,
keeps me reaching out 
    for you and your help…

When I’m too busy
to make time for you in my day, Lord,
    – you’re there…

Though I may forget or ignore you
    for days and weeks on end
    – you’re there, Lord…

Whether I’m faithful to your word
or doing whatever the hell I want,
    – you’re there, Lord…

In good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health,
    – you’re always there, Lord…

Whether I’m at peace with all around me
or consumed by bitterness and anger
    – you’re there, Lord…

Whether I see you in my neighbor
or miss you altogether
    – you’re there, Lord…

Whether I walk the path you chart for me 
    or strike out on my own,

at every twist and turn

    – you’re there, Lord…

You’re there, Lord, always there:
    before me, behind me, beside me,
    above me, below me, within me…
    you never leave my side…

You’re here, Lord, always here:
    with me and for me
    in every moment, in every hour
    of every day of my whole life…

Whether I invite you or bar you,

welcome or reject you,

trust or doubt you,

see or ignore you,

embrace or deny you,

follow or leave you,

    you’re there, Lord, you’re here, Lord,
    – as you’re with me even now…

Attune me to your presence, Lord,

    your faithful, abiding presence

and let me not forget 
    that you’re here, you’re there

        – you’re everywhere!

Protect me, Lord, while I’m awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace…
You wrote the story of my life 
You go before you fall behind, yeah 
Before a breath beyond my death 
you are with me all the way
to everlasting 
Oh I can’t run, I can’t hide 
Even darkness is a light 
From the lowest place to the highest praise 
You are worthy 
Amazing love how can it be 
Far too wonderful for me
There’s only one thing left to say 
You are worthy, oh 
Search me God and know my heart
Try me, know my anxious thoughts, yeah 
Find the weakness in me 
and lead me in the way Everlasting 
Oh I can’t run, I can’t hide 
Even darkness is a light 
From the lowest place to the highest praise 
You are worthy 
Amazing love how can it be 
Far too wonderful for me 
There’s only one thing left to say
You are worthy, oh 
You formed me in my mothers womb 
You know my frame, my flesh, and bone 
Oh, how wonderfully made 
Oh I can’t describe it’s way too hard 
You see me through and through
and call me loved 
What a wonderful grace, oh 
Oh I can’t run, I can’t hide 
Even darkness is a light 
From the lowest place to the highest praise 
You are worthy 
Amazing love how can it be 
Far too wonderful for me 
There’s only one thing left to say 
You are worthy, oh 




Praying to the Virgin Mary