with a heart that needs to be emptied,
a heart that needs to be filled…
You showed us the way, Lord:
you humbled yourself on the Cross,
and now you invite us
in the same way…
I don’t always find it easy, Lord, to empty myself
Nor do I find it easy to let go:
to let go the burdens I’ve befriended,
Teach my heart to know, Lord,
what to keep and what to lose,
what to hold on to and what to let go of,
what to treasure and what to dismiss..
As I let go of what I don’t need, Lord,
fill my heart with a hunger and thirst
what deepens and strengthens my faith and hope…
Give me joy in the letting go, Lord,
and peace in being filled with you,
with your Word, your grace and your love…
Take, Lord, Receive by John Foley, SJ
My memory, understanding, my entire will!
Give me only your love and your grace,
that’s enough for me!
Your love and your grace are enough for me!
Take Lord, receive, all I have and possess.
You have given all to me, now I return it.
Take Lord receive, all is yours now.
Dispose of it, wholly according to your will.
Take my heart, O Lord, take my hopes and dreams.
Take my mind with all its plans and schemes.
Give me nothing more than your love and grace.
These alone, O God, are enough for me.
Take my thoughts, Oh Lord, and my memory.
Take my tears, my joys, my liberty.
Give me nothing more than your love and grace.
These alone, O God, are enough for me.
I surrender, Lord, all I have and hold.
I return to you your gifts untold.
Give me nothing more than your love and grace.
These alone, O God, are enough for me.
When the darkness falls on my final days,
take the very breath that sang your praise.
Give me nothing more than your love and grace.