NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 8/11

NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 8/11

On Sundays, Night Prayer draws its inspiration from some element of the day’s Mass.  We find ourselves in the middle of five weeks of scripture taken from the Bread of Life discourse in John’s gospel.  This lectionary emphasis on the Eucharist comes round every three years and this year follows the National Eucharistic Congress.  The Eucharist lies at the heart of our faith life as Catholic Christians.  Today’s scriptures offer us yet another opportunity to reflect on what the Eucharist means to each of us…
You have told us, Lord, 
    that you are the bread of life,
    that you are the bread come down from heaven,
    and that we who eat this bread-that-is-you
        will have life – and have it forever…
And you have told us, Lord,
    that the bread we break and share in your name
is you who were broken and shared for us:
    at the table of your last supper,
    on the Cross where you laid down your life for us
and even now on your holy altar 
    where we lift up and offer in prayer
        the sacrifice of praise, entrusted to us… 
You are Word become flesh, Lord,
    and flesh become bread
the bread, your body, given for us,
    the cup, your blood, poured out for us…
Feed us then, Lord, with the bread of life
    and nourish our souls 
        with this food-that-is-you,
    broken and shared, laid down, handed over,
        for us and our sakes, 
    that we might have life, and life forever,
        your flesh, your bread, 
            for the life of the world…
Protect us, Lord while we’re awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace…

Tonight’s song is a perfect complement 
    for today’s scriptures and tonight’s prayer…




Praying to the Virgin Mary