NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 8/6

NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 8/6

Found these timely words* on line today, Lord,
    now I bring them to you in prayer tonight…

 I don’t think I live in Culture War Mode
    (well, I hope don’t live in that space)
but I see how I’m easily drawn to the fight
    when my steps lead me close to the fray…
I want to live in your realm, O God,
    to abide in peace with you and with all
but my heart stands in need of some healing before
   I can claim your reign as my home…
I need to be healed of the pride and presumption
    that lead me to think that I’m always right;
I need to be humbled and opened to truth 
    wherever, whenever  I find it…
I need to see life as you see it, Lord,
    and not through my personal filters:
        my bias, mistrust, my hardened opinions,
        my resentments and preconceived notions…
So, help me to live by your law, O Lord,
    and to love my neighbor as I love myself,
to welcome the stranger (and those I find strange)
    and to love those who’ll never love me…
Help me announce your reign, O Lord
    in my choices, my words and my deeds:
may all my decisions, my speech and my silence
    give witness to you and your rule…
And may all of this not seem impossible, Lord,
    too much to hope for, achieve or accomplish:
help me freely live as you call me to live:
    in your reign, by your word,
    in your truth, by your grace,
    in peace with my neighbor,
    with you and myself… 
Help me live in the reign of your lasting peace,
    for then I shall live where I’m meant to be:
at home in your heart, at peace with all,
    with you, Lord, at home in me…
Protect me, Lord, while I’m awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace…
Proclaim, proclaim God’s strong transforming Word
Sing what you have heard from the true and faithful prophets
and break down the walls built of hatred, greed and fear:
the reign of God is near, the reign of God is near.
Stand up and speak God’s freedom and God’s peace
Let the violence cease; let us speak the truth to power.
When pris’ners are freed and the captives are unbound,
the reign of God may be found, the reign of God may be found.
Go forth and show God’s mercy and God’s care
Let us learn to share of the grace we have been given
When hungry are fed and the broken ones are healed,
the reign of God is revealed, the reign of God is revealed.
Look up and see! God’s Spirit breathes anew.
Let our hearts be true to the call we have been given
Through courage and faith we might serve God’s holy plan:
the reign of God is at hand, the reign of God is at hand.




Praying to the Virgin Mary