Pause for Prayer: MONDAY 8/14

Good morning, good God!

How can it be, so soon again, 
another Monday morning?

Does time fly by for you
    as quickly as it does for me?

It’s Monday, Lord.
I open my eyes from sleep
and see a new week stretching before me…
I wonder: 
is this a Monday morning when: 
(A) a new week 
            is the last thing I want to face?


(B) a new week 
            is just what I want and need?


Oh, God! not another week!
I’ve piled up enough problems and uncertainty,
enough difficulties and confusion 
to last me a life time!
Please let this week be a lighter one, Lord:
lighten the load on my heart,
help me let go some of the burdens I carry,
give me a respite, some peace…

Help me find some time in the week ahead, Lord,
time in the sun and time for prayer,
time for rest and for catching up,
time with friends who bring me joy
and time to reset my heart and soul
in tune with you and your grace…
I offer you the week ahead, Lord:
help me face, not fear it; 
help me embrace, not try to escape it;
and walk each day in peace with you…


A brand new week!
I praise you, Lord,
for all that this week may offer me!

Who knows what blessings wait in store?
Well, you do, Lord!
And since you do, please open me 
to all your gifts, all the opportunities
all the grace I trust 
you’ll spread along the path I walk…
You know that path
so guide me at my every step
and every turn I make along the way…
I offer you the week ahead:
help me live it in love to the full;
help me share it with my neighbor
help me walk in peace with you…
Perhaps the grace of this week, Lord,
is seeing how both these morning offerings, 
are my morning offerings
in different ways, on different days,
from week to week to week…
One thing I’m sure of, Lord:
this Monday morning moment
is a weekly grace  for me
from your heart right to mine,
from your hands to my own,
a gift of healing peace…
Whatever this week brings, Lord,
keep me steady on the path of truth,
faithful to your way of love
and the Spirit’s gentle guidance…
A new week lies before me, Lord,
but help me take it, help me live it
one day at a time, one hour at a time
whatever I might need…
Wake me up each morning, Lord
to offer to your loving heart
my thoughts and words and deeds,
my day, my night, my life…