Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 2/27

Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 2/27
With the fire of your love, Lord,

    cleanse my mind,

    my heart and my soul,
    my hungers and thirsts,
    my passions and my desires…
    what’s stubbornly selfish,

    biased, resentful, begrudging,
    angry, hard-hearted, deceitful,
    prejudiced, proud, self- absorbed…
Brand my heart with the sign of your Cross, Lord,
let my words and my deeds make clear:
    it’s your love I want to rule my day

    and fashion the person I am…

Shine down from the heavens above, Lord:
touch and heal like the noonday sun
    the hurt I’ve caused for others
    and the pain in my wounded heart…
As in a refiner’s fire, Lord,
    make pure my heart’s intentions
    ’til my soul’s aflame with your Spirit
    and alive with the warmth of your love…
