On Sundays, Night Prayer will focus on an element from the day’s celebration of Mass. Tonight we look to Jesus inviting us to serve God above all else: above our possessions, our wealth and our position…
In a world where so many have so little – or nothing –
I have much more than I need, Lord,
and still, so often, I want for more…
The things I have and the things I want
distract me from wanting, desiring, pursuing
the only possessions I truly need:
your mercy,
your pardon,
your grace,
your love…
Help me take an honest inventory, Lord,
of everything I have – and everything I want…
May I keep whatever I truly need,
share with others what I have in abundance
and discard whatever keeps me from you
and your mercy,
your pardon,
your grace,
and your love…
Free me from my desire
to have and have more, to buy and buy more,
to own and own more, to collect and store up
more than I need or ever can use…
Free me from my dependence on my possessions and their rule over my choices and decisions…
Give me a generous heart, Lord, to reach out to those in need…
Draw me away from all of my stuff, Lord,
to a simple, peaceful, quiet place
and there in the stillness, help me, I pray, to begin to let go of things I cling to and as I let go, to be generous
to those who are truly in need…
In the quiet, Lord, help me love the stillness in which I have only and all that I need:
your mercy,
your pardon,
your grace,
and your love…
Protect me, Lord, while I’m awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep rest in your peace…
I ended my homily this weekend singing, Give Me Jesus.
The verses here are different but the message is the same.
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