Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 8/12

Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 8/12

Photo by Paul Snatchko

Take me by the hand, Lord:
    open my eyes to your glory,
        the beauty of all that’s simple…

Beguile me, soft curves,
    with the touch of your paper-thin skin,
        pillowed upon a bed of green;
    an  elegant puff of purest charm,
        pinched ’round the edge,
            gathered to points both chaste and coy…

And hidden within, an intruder:
    come to suckle your essence,
        seductive, sweet and sacred…

Would that I could be that bee,
    deep within those supple folds,
        feeding on the nectar of your grace!

Take me by the hand, Lord:
    open my eyes to your glory,
        the beauty of all that’s simple…
