NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 9/9

NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 9/9

    I need love,
    I need your love,
    I need to love others
    – and I need to be loved…
I need to be loved by those I love
and I need to learn to love those 
who don’t love me…
I need to be loved unconditionally
and I need to love others 
with no strings attached…
I need to have love for those who have hurt me
and I need to welcome the love
they have for me…
I need to open my heart in love,
and to enter the hearts 
who welcome me in… 
I need to love for the sake of others,
loving my neighbor 
more than myself…
I need to love when I don’t feel like loving,
as others love me, 
in season and out…
I need to love those I think unlovable
as I am loved 
when I don’t love myself…
I need to be loved that I might be forgiven
and I need to forgive 
if I hope to love…
I need to be loved to know who I am,
to become the person 
I’m made to be…
Lord, I need to love you if I want to know you
and to know your love 
to know myself…
I need to love when 
love comes at a price, Lord,
as you loved me at the cost of your life… 
I need your love, Lord, 
so much more 
than any love I can find or have…
I need your love,
for  apart your love, Lord, 
I’d cease to exist…
You are love, Lord, 
and if I live in love, I will live in you,
and love itself will live in me…
Lord, hold me in your loving arms
    when I’m awake and while I’m asleep,
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace…
Tonight’s song is unusual: 
    its lyrics consist of one word – oft’ repeated!